Traveling with Kids? The First Aid Kit you must carry!

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Traveling with kids is tiring yet rewarding. With a bit of planning and foresight, you can minimize the angst that most of the parents experience while traveling with baby / kids. First and foremost is the first aid or safety kit! I carry all of the items mentioned below, packed inside a zip-lock pouch. That is in case there is some leak due to any reason (say air pressure etc), zip-lock bags can easily be replaced. That said, I carry disposable zip-lock bags in varied sizes for all my travel. Its an utterly versatile piece of package. So, here goes my list….
  1. Paracetamol for fever
  2. Thermometer
  3. Medicine for cold, cough, runny nose etc
  4. Saline Nasal Spray ( I prefer spray to drops – it’s convenient and kids are more accepting of it, from my personal experience)
  5. Pain relievers (ibuprofen etc) – I discovered Arnica drops (homeopathic) that works absolute wonders. Just dab few drops on the affected area and drink few drops mixed with little water and the relief is almost instantaneous.
  6. Medicine for motion sickness (consult your doctor)
  7. Medicine for upset tummy (consult your doctor)
  8. Prescribed medications (carry the prescription which will have doctor’s contact number as well)
  9. Calamine lotion (for rashes, insect bites, sunburns)
  10. Sunscreen (with SPF 15 or higher with UVA and UVB protection.)
  11. Insect repellent
  12. Antibiotic ointment
  13. Neosporin (antibiotic powder)
  14. Waterproof bandage
  15. Crepe bandage
  16. Cotton
  17. Diaper Rash Cream (when travel with baby)
  18. Moisturiser / Vaseline (varying weather conditions tend to dry up skin, lips etc)
  19. Sanitizer
  20. Wet tissues
If there is anything else you can think of, that is missing from my list; please educate me! I will be grateful for the suggestion. When you see the world with kids, you see things from their perspective. Things you might miss out on, on a normal day when you travel by yourself. A bit of planning and your trip can turn memorable (in a good way! :))