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India, a country with over a billion population; India, a secular country with co-existing multiple religions; India, a land of festivals and vibrant colors; India, a country with over 200 languages and dialects; India, full of the traffic congestion; India; the slums from the movie Slumdog millionaire!; India, beautiful and warm…..etc. I can go on forever. People across the world have their own opinions about India; formed through books, movies or from travel. During my travels around Europe & Asia, I met lots of people who all had their own special stories to tell me; who kept me amused with their ideas about India. The mystical India is a lot more than one can fathom; perhaps that is the reason I have friends who after their first visit to India keep coming back for more. There is something about India that attracts everyone – that’s what my friends had to say about our country :).  Well, why not…where else can you get varied experiences such as these – simplicity of a village; swanky comforts of a city; spiritual tranquility of a temple; the freshness of the mountains; the warmth of the sun kissed beaches; adrenalin pumping sport activities; the coffee / tea plantations and so much more! I have one sincere advice to anyone planning a trip to India. Please do not think that you can cover India in a month, let alone 10 days! So chalk out your itinerary with a well thought out & intelligent plan; else you will spend more time and money in traveling than exploring the place! J I plan to cover India as much as possible on with personal travelogues as well as information attained from friends and relatives. The idea behind starting an India series is to make Composed Volcano a platform to portray India in its full glory. To share as much information in the form of travelogues, pictures,… etc. this will serve as a friendly guide, for someone planning to travel to India. I have quite a few India travelogues already available but there is a long way to go! This series of posts will have two distinct outlooks – one which we as Indian’s will be portraying, through our posts & pictures, while the second will be of all the friends from foreign lands who have traveled through India, and who would recount their tales, from their outlook. Am stating this upfront, for some of the posts will have negative thoughts / experiences also, which is also India. Also, some of the posts will not be very detailed as they would be contributions by fellow travelers who did not have the time to become a wordsmith!!:) If you have the time / interest towards contributing to this idea of mine; please do write to me. Look forward to hearing from you. Cheers Priya