SALT CAVE  : India’s first Halotherapy clinic opens up in Kochi!


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UPDATE: 3/3/2023 — CLOSED!! SALT CAVE  : India’s first Halotherapy clinic opens up in Kochi! In 1843 Polish Doctor Felix Boczkowski published a paper on salt therapy that the presence of air in the salt mines saturated with dry salt particles caused healing effects on people with pulmonary and respiratory discomforts. Taking this research to a next level which is nothing but a revolution in alternative treatment curing without drugs, lots of scientists around the world have put in efforts and some of them have culminated in Halotherapy. “Halos” in Greek means salt; Halotherapy is a treatment in a controlled air medium that simulates a natural salt cave like environment. Salt rooms are nothing but an artificial salt cave with salt all around – on the floor and over the walls. A salt room is designed to comfortably accommodate about 8 to 10 people all seated at the same time. All that is required from you is to sit in your chair and listen to relaxing music while inhaling curative air. Curative air is nothing but dry saline aerosols. Special machines – Halogenators are used to emanate these dry saline aerosols into the salt room. The aerosolized micro particles are believed to penetrate into bronchi and settles on the surface thereby destroying any bacterial or fungal presence. For individual treatment there are salt cocoons which are nothing but compact chambers and has the same effect as that from a Salt room. Primarily a European invention; it has now been clinically proven that inhalation of salt aerosols cleanse up your respiratory system and speeds up the elimination of toxins. The treatment is typically spread over a period of 15 days with 1 hour duration per session. Further dosage is decided based on the condition of the patient. Salt Cave Kochi follows the dosages and guidelines prescribed post detailed clinical studies conducted by various reputed agencies in Europe and USA. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, wheezing, breathlessness, smokers’ cough, sinusitis, colds, influenza, edema, psoriasis, eczema,… etc. are few of the ailments that can be cured through Halotherapy. Halotherapy sessions can be taken for general wellness too. Also it is found that patients undergoing Halotherapy treatment have felt good improvement in their skin texture. Halotherapy is also believed to have anti-ageing properties. Ever wondered why we feel in peace with ourselves around the sea air, mountain air or air around a running brook? Because they are considered to contain negative ions in such environments! Negative ions in the air, combine with the pollutants in the air and make them heavy. Hence pulling them down towards the ground and making it unavailable for inhaling.  Going by this theory Salt Cave Kochi has plans to sell salt lamps in the future. Salt lamps are nothing but carved rock salts with bulb fitted inside hence ionizing the rock salt. These salt lamps emit negative ions which are considered good for ones health. By placing a salt lamp inside your room you can expect the negative ions to improve the blood flow to your brain, improve your concentration, make you less fatigued,… etc. in general make you feel nice, hale and hearty. People concerned about the side effects of drugs are now are resorting in increasing numbers to alternative treatment and Salt Cave Kochi is the first of such centres being set up in India. Salt Cave can be set up by anyone at any place by having the right technology & ambience. Krishnakumar, who is looking after Kochi operation’s is hopeful of Salt Caves being setup in most Indian cities in the next 3-4 years. “We are looking out for business partners across India. Any entrepreneur interested in Health Industry investments can touch base with us and we can provide the blue print to success. As All India franchisees to the technology, which is from Estonia, we are already in talks with several SPA’s and high end Hotels” says Krishnakumar. For more details logon to Salt Cave Kochi