Metal Art : George Town, World Heritage Site (Part 3)


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With George Town – street art series along with the posts on Metal art- part 1 and part 2, you must now be familiar with the street art scenario in this quaint and colorful capital city of Penang. This post, is my final post, where I share few more of the pics of the metal sculptures, commissioned across various streets in George Town. 1.STEWART LANE, CORE ZONE The five foot way of Wan Hai Hotel is said to be the narrowest in Penang.
Stewart Lane
2.SUNGAI UJONG ROAD, BUFFER ZONE Barbers used to operate here. Shorn hair was simply swept into the Prangin Canal.
Sungai Ujong Road
3.KIMBERLY STREET, BUFFER ZONE Kimberley Street is famous for its hawkers food. Some stalls have been here for over 3 generations.
Kimberley Street
4. Obviously this is less that five feet 5. 6. 7. Sehingga masa depan …(until next time!!)