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Open the gates to your soul, for now you are in Ladakh. Well, that’s what Ladakh has in store for you if not more – tranquility, oneness with the supreme power and your inner self. I thank Deepak Gulati for letting me use photographs from his trip to Ladakh. Deepak is a computer programmer currently based out of Amsterdam. He loves traveling, photography and reading. He regularly blogs at Sanctuary of Random Keystrokes. There were so many nice and stunning views that I decided to do a series on Ladakh. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I did ! I have also tried to include as much information I could that might help you in planning your trip to the heavenly Ladakh. View of the snow covered mountains from the flight
View from the flght…Leh
  Leh is 3,500 m / 11, 483 ft. above mean sea level and is about 90 minutes flight distance from New Delhi. The tourist season in Ladakh begins with the opening of the roads from Manali to Leh – which usually happens around the 3rd week of May. Patches of drifting clouds on a clean blue sky
driving around……..
Mesmerizing view   Snowfall in Leh A river which was still nearly frozen More on Ladakh follows…..