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This is my 200th blog post!

What started as a casual affair back in 2006 is now the thing of present for me. It is only last year that I finally got to buying my own domain and now am totally addicted to it so much so that I started another blog of mine that talks about recipes and lots more. I admit that of late I haven’t been able to blog as much as I would love to, but nevertheless I will try!

This particular blog is to thank few people who have played a pivotal role in not only opening my eyes to the blogosphere but also supporting me in their own ways in the last one year of my Blogging.

First and foremost I thank Adheeth Ibrahim for opening my vision to blogging possibilities. Over a cup of coffee at Cocoa tree, a café in Kochi, it was Adheeth who prompted me to buy my own domain. Adheeth who is currently pursuing his MBA at Christ Church College, Bangalore is a budding entrepreneur and has one of his online ventures called Koch Vibes and pretty successful one too. Thanks Adheeth for bearing with all my silly and some not so silly (please give me some credit :)) queries and never once getting bugged. Keep smiling that million smile.

What started as a suggestion tweet culminated to a great friendship with Anand Subramanian, a full time blogger and Internet marketer from Cochin (Kochi), Kerala the proud entrepreneur with his one of his online venture Cochin Square!. Thanks Anand for being a chat and a phone call away for all my “unique” challenges. Only you would know how unique and different I can get 😉 But for me how would you have ever enhanced your knowledge..hehe.. Jokes apart a big thanks to you for all the support and guiding me with all your tips and tricks over yummy doughnuts and cakes!

I would also like to thank my husband Q for all his encouragement and his non-sugar coated reviews. Q is a quizmaster by profession and also manages an events management company.  Q is a reservoir of information and ideas and I value all his advices and comments. Thanks Q for being there. Though I wish you could contribute articles more often, considering how my readers simply loved your write-ups!

I thank all my other guest contributors (in alphabetical order – Anagha, Anand, Girija, Lyndsey, Maria, Pradeep and Rajan)

Last but not the least; I will like to thank all my readers for encouraging me to come back with more, with your comments and feedbacks. Thank you so much. Off late I realized that am getting many readers from Russia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. Talk about world getting smaller! Am simply thrilled!

To all my readers – if you would like to read something specific around travel, food and living (relationships, social issues etc etc) write in to me at cogitoergosumpriya [AT] gmail [DOT] com. And I shall try my best write something for you.

I invite for my blog, guest contributions around the related topics of travel, food and living. Places to visit, place to eat in a particular city, kids, parenthood, relationships, write about anything of these and email it to me with a brief intro about yourself. Please ensure that your article is substantiated with related pictures with no copyright issues. I look forward to your contributions.

Thanks for everything!

Cheers to good times!