Air Travel Tips


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Photo credit: Axwel
“Are We There yet!”: Airport traveling tips Vacations are nice when you get to your destination, but it seems that some people forget to mention how frustrating it is just to get to “paradise”. No worries though, drop your briefcase and get ready for a ride.
  • Book a reserved parking spot at the airport if flying to your destination, or book a shuttle service if you live within commuting distance. Booking online can offer savings on the price offered by your tour operator or vacation booking agent. If you reserve the parking, then from the parking zone to the airport check in is usually only a five or ten minute ride by shuttle bus.
  • Leave for the airport in plenty of time to allow for traffic delays, breakdowns or toilet stops, especially for the kids. My experience tells me to allow an extra thirty minutes for every hour the journey should take. Believe me it is better to arrive three hours ahead of check in than five minutes after the gate has closed. Be prepared for the unexpected, and the unexpected doesn’t usually happen.
  • Use taxis or a specialist company for transport to and from the airport. These companies are specialists, have loads of experience and you do not have the stress of driving or parking, just get on board at home, and get out at the entrance to the airport. (If you travel using this method, don’t forget to count the kids heads, we don’t want a home alone scenario arising).
  • Make use of any airport baggage trolleys or a portering service if one is available. A porter will cost a few dollars, but do you REALLY feel like pushing two piled up baggage trolleys the usually long distance from airport entrance to check in. These guys and gals are professionals, and make it look easy, no struggling like you or me.
  • Also, do not to forget airport security is very tight, and time consuming. Follow the rules and instructions given by the security personnel and it will be a breeze. Try not to forget these guys are doing a very important and stressful job, ensuring the safety of ALL passengers and aircrew alike.
Follow those simple suggestions and it should be plain sailing (or flying) but as well as that, remember to separate any traveler’s checks and money between the two adults (assuming you are a nuclear family) and keep checking you have everything you need to get on that plane, especially if your journey is broken up into smaller journeys by cars, buses or taxis etc. One lost or forgotten passport or visa can ruin the vacation for everyone This is a guest post by Maria Freeman who is a self-appointed world traveler and professional hostel guest. After freeing herself from a fate worse than death (i.e. desk job) she left San Francisco to go see the world. She has spent 6 weeks backpacking through Southeast Asia; she also traveled for 3 months in Europe, and went to 7 countries, 26 cities, received 2 marriage proposals and tried to speak 5 1/2 languages. For any backpacking trip, she brings only 5 outfits, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of underwear, but never leaves home without her multi-socket hairdryer.