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Did you miss travel during lockdown?

Inner Travel

The sacred silence and breathtaking views that lockdown brought, reminding us of our interconnectedness with the world. As travel reopens, let’s cherish the wisdom gained and look at travel with new eyes, humble heart and better perspectives about everyone and everything

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I have been asked this question on few occasions, that if I missed travel during lockdown, and my answer surprisingly remains, No!

Don’t get me wrong. I love traveling and I firmly believe that “Travel is recess, and we need it” (quote by Travel Writer, Rick Steves). However, when life played out globally for all, in the form of Covid 19; I still found myself comfortable in my house. You may go ahead and ask me why?

Answer is simple. Staying at home helped me, put things into perspective. When I am out there, in the action world, I am always busy running behind stuff, consciously and unconsciously; finishing chores after chores. There is not enough downtime, to pause, reflect, assimilate, interiorize….to bring back the dispersed energy back to the very core of my being. To make sense of the life I am living. Merely living or truly living, can be an existential question, that I reflect upon, time and again, and plan to do so, for as long as I am alive.

Though I am an active meditator and meditation plays a very important role in my life; meditation during lockdown was an unique experience. Air was clearer and sounds of nature even more. There were no motor vehicles zooming and honking at a possibly slow driver or honking merely out of habit. There was an inexplicable pleasing silence, that was so sacred.

There were few days that amazed me, when I could view the Munnar mountain ranges from my balcony! Air was so pure, that we could view the mountains from the city 4-5 hrs drive away (I stay in Kochi). Now, if that is not a moment of joy, then I don’t know what is. The picture taken on my phone camera (on zoom), looks pixelated here, sorry about that! πŸ™

One thing Covid or any natural disaster for that matter, taught most of us, was how small and insignificant we are, in bigger scheme of things. Kerala faced a bigger chunk of natural disasters, with floods two subsequent years, Nipah virus, swine flu etc….., before finally getting affected by the Covid pandemic.

Events like these help us, bring our attention back to ourselves, by reminding us of the qualities and virtues, we possess. Qualities, that we often forget, as soon as we step out into the jungle, a world, where survival becomes the predominant thought on our minds. It teaches us to identify people who mattered the most. How many of you, heard others talk about quality time spent with family… in years?

Do you remember this google feature, that allowed us to watch 3D animals in augmented reality? πŸ™‚ A feature that kept my kids engaged for a while during lockdown.

Now, with lockdown behind us, it will be a wise idea, to move forward keeping sight of the ideas and the wisdom, we gained during those quiet self-reflective moments at home. We, human beings have a tendency to forget, until the next unpleasant event, affects us personally.

With travel reopening, there is a sudden upsurge. People want to step out and explore, just like, back in the day. I have taken few short trips myself, in the recent past, mostly to hang around with friends. Covid restrictions didn’t allow much activity then. Things are getting better now.

I hope, I get to travel and journal the stories here on TravelwithPriyaa, as often as I can. πŸ™‚

One thought, that interests me while traveling is, how can I minimize my carbon footprint, while I immerse myself in the local sights and culture. Sustainable travel is important, so that we can continue to enjoy the natural environments. We do not need another natural calamity. We can all participate in sustainable travel, by being a mindful traveler by consciously leaving any place, in a better condition than we find it in.

β€œTo leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived β€” that is to have succeeded.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Until next time