The Mystical Caves of Kefalonia


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Kefalonia, Greece Pic source:


The largest of the Ionian Islands,Kefalonia has plenty to offer visitors from beaches and water sports to churches, monasteries, castles, forts, archaeology and unique food and wine. But a primary attraction for tourists in Kefalonia is the lakes and caves, which have meaning that reach back to ancient Greek mythology.

Melissani Cave: Cave of the Nymphs

Rediscovered in 1951, Melissani is near the town of Sami in Kefalonia, and one of the most popular tourist destinations on the island. Featuring a light-blue lake surrounded by a forest of trees, the cave wasonce two big chambers that caved in several thousand years ago, leaving what looks like a lake at the bottom of a sinkhole.

Melissani Cave: Cave of the Nymphs Pic source:

During excavations, relics from the former Minoan culture including oil lamps, plates, figures of the god Pan and several nymphs were unearthed in the cave. Hence, it was given the moniker Cave of the Nymphs, after the nymph Melissanthi, who is said to have killed herself in the lake because her love for Pan was not reciprocated.

The limestone Drogarati Cave

Also near Sami, this cave takesits name from a local legend that itwas once the home of a dragon. Discovered 300 years ago when the entrance was revealed following a heavy earthquake, the cave is estimated to be millions of years old, and it reaches 200 feet beneath the ground.  Its atmosphere of 90 per cent humidity is perfect for the formation of stalactites, which hang from the ceiling in curtains.

Drogarati Cave Pic source:

The larger part of the cave, also known as the Chamber of Exaltation, has excellent acoustics and is occasionally used for events. Accommodating 500 people, and covered in multi-coloured columns of rock, it’s a beautiful – almost numinous – place to gather and hear music.

Agalaki Cave and numerous caves surrounding Sami

Agalaki Cave Pic source:

Kefalonia is covered with caves that are large and filled with light, and many have small lakes and stalactites to differentiate them. For those interested in setting out on a caving adventure, there are professional companies who provide guided tours of the smaller caves of the area including the Agalaki and Zervati caves.