Around the world on a bike


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Almost all of us have an innate dream to travel the world but ever thought of doing it on bicycle? Sounds bizarre? Well that’s what Philipp and Valeska Schaudy have been upto. This couple who were recently in Kochi have been on roads since the year 2006, is set to cover all continents in 5 years. They have covered in the last 2+ years Europe, SW Asia, Africa, and Australia and are going to be spending some time in India making their way up north before they cycle away to their next destination in Asia. ‘Abnormal’ is how Philipp and Valeska describe themselves on their website When asked about the idea behind this travel, they said “When we travel from our arm chair, we sometimes misjudge about places and its people. We draw conclusions which might not be right. The world is so beautiful and there are people just like you out there eager to welcome and share with you their bits of life. They are if not more equally warm and loving. And you get to know all this only if you travel and have a first hand experience.” We chose bicycles for our travel because it gives us opportunity to mingle with the local crowd. It gives us the flexibility to stop at a small roadside shop to have a cup of tea and chat with the locals who we would have never been able to do had we traveled by plane/ trains, besides its emission free, added a smiling Valeska. Working as lecturer photographer, author and guide in the Arctic (Svalbard, Greenland), Philipp plans to go back and share with all, his experiences with people at large. Both Philipp and Valeska dream of spreading a message of love at all places where they leave their footprints. There is no need to be apprehensive of people of different color or who speak a different language. It’s just a matter of extending your hand and you will be surprised how many friendly hand shakes you get, signs off Philipp.